Hi, I’m Susheela.

As an astrologer, I’m an interpreter of symbols and maker of meaning. My role is to help you see that your relationship with the cosmos is intrinsic, accessible and unwavering.


Natal Chart Reading

60 Minute Reading

Whether you’re looking for a broad overview or a deep dive into specific topics, this reading offers ample time to explore your chart in detail and gain clear insights into current and upcoming transits and timing.

Big Three Reading

30 Minute Reading

This reading is perfect for return clients wanting a shorter check-in, astro newbies interested in exploring the basics, or anyone curious about what it’s like to work with me in a quick and insightful session.


  • My practice is rooted in Hellenistic astrology, an ancient tradition that flourished in the Mediterranean region from roughly the first century BCE until the seventh century CE. With the broader availability of translated texts today, this approach is experiencing a resurgence. I'm personally drawn to its structured framework, which allows me to be both methodical and creative in chart interpretation.

    That said, in specific contexts, I do incorporate components outside the Hellenistic tradition. For example, I use outer planets in natal chart readings if there are close aspects or if an outer is transiting a personal planet.

  • Earthlight is the sunlight that reflects off the Earth's surface back out into space. It can sometimes be seen softly illuminating the dark side of a crescent Moon.

    This concept mirrors my experience of astrology: as earthly, earthbound beings, we gaze out into the cosmos, and though subtle at first, we see ourselves reflected back.

    Plus, I like that the name nods to my earth- and fire-heavy chart.

  • Since we're all sharing...

    My Sun is in Aries, my Moon is in Taurus, and my Ascendant is in Virgo.



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